What is the Invite People feature?
There is an additional option to invite users from the Dashboard. Team administrators can invite additional team members, workspace admins and workspace members (non-admin users) through the Invite People feature on the left sidebar of the Dashboard. Workspace administrators can invite fellow workspace admins and non-admin workspace members using this tool as well. Prior to inviting non-admins to a workspace from this invitation flow, a non-admin group must be created first and have permissions set from the workspace Permissions page.
The ability to invite users from the Permissions page is still available and can be used by workspace admins, as well as team admins. For information on how to use the Permissions page invite feature, please reference: Add Members or Administrators to a Workspace
How to Use the Invite People Feature
1.) Click Invite People from the Dashboard
2.) Select which type of user you want to invite
3.) Select the correct team/workspace that you want to add members to by choosing from the drop-down option
4.) If you're inviting members to a workspace, select the appropriate non-admin group
5.) Input the email and name of your desired invitees
6.) Select the expiration date for the invite(s) by choosing the drop-down option. By default, the invite(s) will expire in 14 days, unless otherwise selected
7.) Click Send Invites
"Add Many" Option
The "Add Many" members feature allows team admins to copy and paste up to 100 email addresses at a time to be sent an invite. This feature can be used to invite team admins, workspace admins, and workspace members. A comma must be added to separate each email address.
1.) Click Invite People from the Dashboard
2.) Select which type of user you want to invite
3.) Click Add Many
4.) Copy and paste or manually input each email address, making sure to separate each with a comma
5.) Select the correct team/workspace that you want to add members to by choosing from the drop-down option
6.) If you're inviting members to a workspace, select the appropriate non-admin group
7.) Select the expiration date for the invite(s) by choosing the drop-down option. By default, the invite(s) will expire in 14 days, unless otherwise selected
8.) Click Send Invites
See Pending and Accepted Invites
At the bottom of the page under Send Invites, there is the ability to view current pending and accepted invites based on the selected team, workspace, or group that is chosen. To view this, click See Pending and Accepted Invites.
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