Contacts Page
The Contacts page allows you review all contacts you've added or invited to workspaces, as well as organize contacts into lists. The Contacts page is personal to each individual user.
How to Upload a CSV list of Contacts
When adding contacts from a CSV list (i.e. Comma Separated Values (.csv)) to CapLinked, please follow these steps:
1.) Go to your Dashboard on CapLinked and select “Contacts”
2.) Select “Import from CSV”
You will see the following on your screen:
3.) Before selecting a file, please ensure that your CSV list is formatted like the example below:
1. Notice that there are no spaces in the CSV list, even when entering names like Marry Anne, this should be MarryAnne (example in line 6)
2. Names cannot contain special characters like apostrophe’s ( ‘ ), comma’s ( , ), period’s ( . ) and underscores ( _ ). Notice that last names that contain apostrophes must follow this rule, for example: O’connor should be Oconnor (example in line 5). Accent marks on names are typically accepted.
3. The following special characters are not accepted in email addresses before or after the domain:
; , < > / [ ] ‘ ` ~ - \ |
4. Do a search on your list for any of the special characters listed above by entering one special character in the search bar and pressing the arrows to find where the character is located on your list like so:
5. Additionally, do a search for a space in the search bar. An example of names that contain spaces is listed below:
4.) Once you have a CSV list that follows the format above, upload the document by choosing
"Select file" then "Upload File" to import your list.
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