What is Draft Mode?
Draft Mode is an action that can be used by administrators to deny access to a workspace for all non-administrators. By default, all new workspaces are placed in Draft Mode for staging purposes. This allows administrators to organize folders, customize groups, and permission settings while suppressing invitations and notifications for users. All invitations are held until the workspace is published.
What Does Draft Mode Do to the Workspace?
Placing a workspace in Draft Mode does the following:
- Denies access to all non-administrators of the workspace. Only administrators will have access.
- Suppresses all notifications including updates found on the Updates page, updates on the bell icon, updates on the Overview page panel, and all notification emails. Notifications of actions that occur while a workspace is in draft mode will not appear for users once the workspace is published.
- Suppresses invitations to non-administrator users. The invitations will be sent in one batch once the workspace is published.
How to Enter Draft Mode or Publish the Workspace
Administrators can enter Draft Mode at any time by selecting "Enter Draft Mode" on the top right corner of any page within the workspace.
To publish a workspace that is in Draft Mode, select "Publish" on the top right corner of any page within the workspace.
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