What are Shared Files?
Shared Files, or File Level Permissions, is now available on CapLinked from your Files page. This feature allows workspace administrators to quickly share a single file with users without needing to add the individual to a Permission group. Administrators will have the ability to quickly share the file with up to 25 users at once and allow for View, Download, Edit, Watermarking, and/or DRM rights, directly from their Files page.
Who Can I Share an Individual File With?
Workspace administrators can share single files with new users and/or existing workspace members. Administrators can share multiple files at once by checking the box next to each desired individual file.
Users who are not members of a permission group will have access to their shared files from the “Shared with me” button from their Files page.
How to Share a Single File
1. From your Files page, select the drop-down arrow next to the given file and select “Share File”
2. An invite module will appear, where you can add up to 25 email addresses at once (separated by commas).
3. Set Download, Edit, Watermarking, and/or DRM access for the file by clicking on the access buttons displayed below. By default, View permission will be enabled for the file. A red “X” mark indicates the permission is not allowed. A green check mark indicates the permission is allowed.
4. Click “Share” to share the file. You have the option to include a custom message in the email invitation. Note: Email addresses included in the same batch of invites are granted the same permission settings for the specific file.
Manage Shared Files/ Edit File Permissions
The Manage Shared Files tab will display all files shared by admins of the workspace. Check the box next to the file to view which users have access to the file and what type of access the user has, indicated below:
You may edit access for a file at any time from your Manage Shared Files tab.
To revoke access to a file:
- Select the check box next to the name of the file you want to revoke access of
- On the right sidebar, locate the user you want to revoke access from
- Select Revoke next to that user’s name and permission settings
To Edit Access to a file:
- Select the check box next to the name of the file you want to edit access for
- On the right sidebar, locate the user you want to edit access for
- Select Edit next to that user’s name and permission settings
- Check the box next to the desired permission settings you’d like that user to have for that file
- Select the blue check mark button underneath the setting option to save
File Level Permissions Rules (Mixed Permissions)
If a user is already a member of a non-admin group, an admin can give them more access (i.e. download/edit permission) for a single file than they have in that group
- If permissions for a user in a non-admin group are Allowed, the admin can grant the same level of single file permissions.
- If permissions for a user in a non-admin group are Denied, the admin can grant further single file permissions.
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