What Are Workspace Tasks?
Administrators can create and assign customized tasks to workspace members, which enables project management all within your workspace. The Tasks page allows administrators to manage each task from one place for optimized organization and efficiency.
How to Create & Assign Tasks
Workspace admins can create a task by selecting the "Create" tab or the "New Task" button from the Tasks page. Only admins have the ability to create and assign tasks. Non-admin members will not have the ability to create tasks and will only see tasks that are assigned to them by an admin.
A task will include a title, description, due date, priority rank (low, medium, or high), and who the task is assigned to.
Admins can edit an existing task by selecting the task title to make any necessary adjustments to the title, description, priority status, and due date, then selecting Save. The member that the task is assigned to can't be changed once the task is originally created.
Completed Tasks
Once the assigned member finishes the task, they can mark the task as "Ready" by selecting the arrow icon under Actions from the Tasks Home page or by opening the task and selecting "Mark as Ready."
When a task is marked "Ready," the administrator can then review the task and mark it as "Complete" from their Tasks Home page under the Actions column, which will move that task to the Completed tab on the Tasks page.
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